
Pastoral Care of Older Adults is unavailable, but you can change that!

More than half of mainline Protestants are over the age of sixty. Older adults have special needs to which many pastors are not adequately prepared to minister. Pastoral Care of Older Adults addresses such problems, many of which were identified in an extensive survey of clergy. The book provides practical guidance for parish pastors, and other counselors, to deal with such issues as Alzheimer’s...

in this stage is two to three years; (7) severe Alzheimer’s disease. Person’s ability to move about independently, walk, speak, communicate, and understand are all lost during this stage. He or she may become incontinent of urine and stool and need assistance in all basic self care activities. Nursing home placement is almost always necessary because of the heavy care demands. Persons generally die approximately two years after onset of this stage, although some may survive for as long as seven years
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